A new way to access the internet.

NYC Mesh is a community owned network. Our network consists of Wi-Fi router "nodes" spread throughout the city. The network has no central server and no single internet service provider. All nodes cooperate in the distribution of data, also serving as a stand-alone network in case of emergencies or internet shutdown.

We aim to create a free, resilient, stand-alone communication system that serves both for daily use and also for emergencies—be it power outages or internet disruption—running software that helps our community with hyperlocal maps and events.

We have over 60 active nodes! View the map.

Want to join the mesh?

Let us know where you would like to install a node. We will reach out soon to discuss installation. If you are tech savvy, consider installing a node yourself.

Please read our FAQ and the Network Commons License before filling in the Join form.

I might have roof access!

Get involved!

Our next meetup is on .

We will discuss ways you can expand the network. We need help installing on rooftops, organizing neighborhoods and getting funding. Come along and see how your skills can be best put to use.

People from all backgrounds are welcome.

Register on Meetup >

Meet the team.

NYC Mesh is a labor of love. All members are unpaid volunteers.

Questions? Please email us. contact@nycmesh.net



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